Mindfulness is a simple and very powerful practice of training our attention.  Its simple in that its really just about paying attention to what’s happening here and now (i.e. sensations, thoughts, and emotions) in a non-judgemental way.  Its powerful because it can interrupt the habit of getting lost in thoughts, mostly about the future or past, which often generates more stress on top of the real pressures of everyday life.

This 8-week life-skills course is based on The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme, originally developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 and includes tailored instruction into mindfulness meditation, gentle stretching and movement, group dialogue, discussion and self-relflection.  Each week covers a different theme and mindfulness meditation, the sessions build on each other to provide a comprehensive course that will positively improve your joy and life satisfaction, reduce stress and improve your mindful awareness.

To get the most out of the course, you’ll be required to commit at least 6 out of 8 sessions and 20 minutes of daily practice.  As part of the course, you’ll receive mindfulness audioguides to use at home.

You can find out more about mindfulness here: http//www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/mindfulness.aspx or contact Ellie on 07538677945.

If you’re interested in exploring whether mindfulness is for you, please join us for the first session on Tuesday 14th May (87.00-8.30pm).

Ellie is an established Zen mindfulness teacher, lives locally and works primarily with NHS staff in London.


Tuesday evenings: 7.00-8.30pm

14th May – 2nd July, 2019


£75.   Full Course (8 weeks)

Alternatively, pay £10 per session.

Ashburton School of Yoga