We are delighted that our friendly, uplifting and balancing classes are back for us to enjoy together.  Our classes are about connecting energetically with ourselves and others and this is even more powerful and effective now that we can practice outdoors.

The universe was kind and helped find us a beautiful and sacred space very near to Ashburton and Buckfast (Pridhamsleigh) and we have been enjoying practicing in nature.  There is road parking and toilet facilities at the venue.

Everything is heightened outdoors so we get lots of help when working on our breathing, poses or relaxation. Always come to class with no expectation, of yourself or others.  Enjoy the present moment and dwell in total love and gratitude.

Please join our class if you feel drawn to.  We are so welcoming and compassionate.  In yoga there is no competition and no need for flexibility.  Flexibility is gained through practice and patience.

If you would like to talk with Sarah regarding any aspects of the class, location etc please call her on 07975511128.


Sat Nam

Ashburton School of Yoga